I've just read my last post and, if you're reading this thinking, 'that was the work bit sorted now onto the fun travel stuff', you've no chance just yet!
It's taken about 10 days after my contract ended to square everything away with my old employers and leave proudly out of the front gate at the fancy, cool and 24 set-inspired National Tennis Centre. Deep down it's something I've been after for a while now. And it seemed really difficult to find. But after much searching. It was there all the time ...
I didn't see any cyclists. In fact I barely saw anyone. Besides, once you're out, you're out and yesterday's news. All I saw was Brigid from the Information Technology department receive all my company property and kindly take the final photograph of me sporting the fruits of my labour on the Ferdinand Magellan inspired tasche. Compare us below. OK. The tasche (and indeed beard) need some work but just checkout the hat similarities. And that wasn't even planned. Spoooooky!

And what a joy it was to ceremoniously turn off the Blackberry. Now I'm a gadget-man who loves technology and, to start with, it was fantastic to do your e-mails on the hop and never have to dash back to your computer to empty your Inbox. But after a bit, when your self-discipline slackens and you leave it on when really it should be off, that bloody thing drives you to distraction! I think the world should ban all forms of mobile communication before 9am. Come on everyone. Let's ease into each day. Yep. Work hard during old skool hours of 9am-5pm. But in the mornings chew rice krispies with your kids. Make your partner breakfast in bed. Do that thing single guys do to wake their bodies up. But don't send any e-mails ... at least not to me!
OK - rant over - here's what I managed to do before I handed the Blackberry's best mate ,the lap top, back as well - empty my Inbox - rarer than the white rhino apparently.
And last Friday saw a top day of hand over to my old mate Van Willerton who steps boldly into the fray to take on managing tennis across all of the Midlands. Van is a genius in hiding. He's unbelievably creative and backs this up with the ability to get the job done. No matter what the difficulty or hardship Van'll see it right. A rare and talented gift indeed. Long may he succeed. I should have a photo of him here after that commendation. But I haven't got one. In fact he's lucky I'm alive to type this after insisting we play the last few holes of a round of golf in thunder and lightning. Because. I forgot to mention. He doesn't take himself too seriously and is a maniac!!!
Instead he took a fine photograph of me and Martyn from Stafford Sports College. Martyn's a Stafford legend leading PE at the College for as long as he cares to remember. He was instrumental in providing me with lovely office accommodation for the last few years. And we worked on a variety of projects together. He's one of the world's truly honest people. Firm when needed. But always fair. Simply great traits that I've always followed myself and I'll miss his perpetually bright outlook on life.
And that really is it with The Lawn Tennis Association. It seems strange because my natural instinct is to draw a line under that part of life and move on. But I've made such great friends that it will always remain part of me. A really good reason for justifying the few days of free work I put in for them at the end. As my big brother, Rich, said 'you can see the global picture'.
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