The dull ache in my arm this morning can be seen as the point of no return for this adventure. It feels very real now and there's no second guessing or turning back. We're on a count down to the big off!
It was travel clinic down at the doctors yesterday morning and this little baby's ensuring I won't be dying from yellow fever anytime soon. For those of a nervous needle disposition look away now ...
Two jabs administered and a trial malaria tablet whose side effects could give you hallucinations and weird dreams ...! Just a minor test compared to the ones ahead so it was easy to glug it down with a big glass of water. Nothing to report just yet. But it probably wasn't the best idea to play squash with Growbag and Tatey last night ...
So it's now time to stock up on travel stuff. And I know I shouldn't but I just couldn't resist the new iPod Touch. It's got a handy wi-fi connection and I love Apple's Safari web browser already so I figured it could be really handy for doing this blog on the road. Probably just a fad and I'll always be near a computer but then there's always the music and videos. Just bought the start of series 3 of Lost from the iTunes store before you can get it on DVD! And I'll be able to buy new music on the move. It's soooo cool. I even got it engraved with my name which they do BEFORE boxing it all up and THEN shrink wrapping it. Neat. Here it is and if anyone thinks otherwise there's nothing wrong with a gadgety streak!
The great outerwear conundrum's also conquered thanks to Mr North Face. Didn't scrimp on a topper Gore-Tex jacket and then fleece jacket that zips in for the extra snug feeling. It'll probably be useless during monsoon season in Asia but boy will I be toasty warm whenever I'm away from the equator. And as someone who feels the cold that had to be top of the requirements!
OK. Enough for now because I'm off to play golf on the moon with Tiger Woods, Jimi Hendrix and Mary Queen of Scots. They're currently all sitting on my sofa and telling me to hurry up. Maybe these malaria tablets aren't right for me after all ... ;-)
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