It's a very strange feeling to step away from working for a living. I guess it's reached that point a few weeks after the commotion of leaving employment when reality bites. For me it doesn't feel panicky but kind of peaceful and serene. All the stresses of modern living have evaporated and yesterday I found myself falling asleep in Lichfield's amazing old library with the sun on my face reading up on Tibet!
While it sounds romantic I've already realised that I'm a bit impatient and at my best when I'm busy, doing stuff. My apartment (not flat remember!) is taking an age to go through thanks to some lazy-arsed lawyering and the building being on an old petrol station. Everything's on track but just moving s...l...o...w...l...y. I'd now really like that completion date. Because, good old organised me-being-me, I'll only travel when it's all sorted out, the equity's stashed away and I'm off foot-loose and fancy free!
Although this organisational stuff's very disconcerting because it's amazing how you can change so quickly. When I concocted this crazy/mad/life-altering/enigmatic (delete as you feel necessary) idea to travel the world I planned out every single day of where I'd be, what I'd be doing, hostels to stay in, flights to pre-book, etc, etc, etc. And yet 3 weeks later I'm up for just booking the general flights, packing my rucksack (the most common word in the English language by the way for Smith and Jones fans), sticking my Lonely Planet in my back pocket and heading off!
Now don't get me wrong there's plenty I'll do before I go. Jabs are continuing at pace (more tomorrow so bracing myself for another day of feeling crappy). A good budget for each continent so that I don't wipe out my money in North America and come home embarrassingly early. Purchasing bullet-proof travel insurance to replace everything when my kit inevitably gets nicked. And having a general route so that I know what countries I need to arrange for visas.
I've also got to say a huge thanks to Lucy for switching me onto Imaginative Traveller and Intrepid. If I'd known just how cheap you could arrange for organised tours around the world I'd have been doing this kind of thing for years ... check out their web sites and see for yourself! Oh - and this isn't viral marketing Robbie J - I've not actually booked with them yet - and I reserve the right to un-promote these companies if they get me stuck up a gum tree in Belize ...