Day 9 - Thursday 17 January 2008
It couldn't, it shouldn't, it wouldn't ... it did ... it bloody snowed!!!!!
Just when I was sat around wondering why it was so warm and pleasant in these, supposedly, snowy areas ... it wanged it down this morning. Hooray! And the proper stuff of 1980s England. Big 50p piece size flakes of snow that stuck to the ground harder than those weird Octopus toys that stuck to windows when you were a kid and were rejuvenated by hot, soapy water (I know it's random but I am in retro-mood and I can only blame this over-hot hostel that was very welcome after a day in the snow).
And so Washington has been surprisingly awesome. Grabbed the obligatory Starry Bs for breakfast (who've swallowed the competition very sadly) and walked straight to the White House. It's actually very impressive. You can't really get near it and I made the mistake of asking a security guard to take my photo ...! The place was deserted because of the snow but thank Abraham Lincoln for the group of Japanese tourists who passed just when I was about to leave. My best gestures and lots of smiling resulted in this trump shot from an elderly Japanese gentleman who was clearly a photographer on the side. You can just about make out the Democrats soon-to-be new home out behind the snow!
I did plenty more today that included over-eating (for the first time I succumbed to the American style of ordering sides and a big drink with an already big standard meal). Oh well. Like it will affect me!
But just a day of wandering around, enjoying the cold, feeling the crunch of snow under feet, and letting these landmarks get into your soul. It's quite something to stand where Martin Luther King Junior delivered his "I have a dream speech' and stare in awe at the size of the Abraham Lincoln monument. He was the USA's 16th President and a powerhouse against slavery until he was sadly assassinated on 15 April 1865. He must have been pretty remarkable to have this dedicated to him.

The only remarkable thing about me ... is how, in this photograph, I don't have an even weirder expression on my face considering the snow in my shoes, down my neck and seeping into my pants by this point of the afternoon. It certainly can snow in these parts that's for sure ...
(By the way I've now added pictures to the previous post 'The New York state of mind ...' and you can find it via the archives on the right!)
Oh Jez this is great - it's becoming a little ritual in our house "have you checked Jez's blog today?" - we're loving it and now incredibly jealous that you have snow... we just have flooding! (luckily not our house but many in the area are not so lucky).Learnt loads already - ignore Nicholson (I think it's him commenting!!!!), your hwad can keep growing if it is imparting all this info to us! lots of love
On the back of your bolgs I'm sitting my Geography and History GCSE's (I chose Cookery - can expertly boil an egg and make different grades of toast, plus fend of the obligitory nutjob who was in cookery cos no other teacher would have him, anyway I digress) for next week my A'levels for the week after and Degree and Masters the week after that so keep up the good work.
Things here good, wet though. Man City and the Hammers currentlt 1-1. Murray out of Oz Open and Marcus Willis chucked out of Juniors before playing a match! You sure you made the right decision ditching the LTA??!!...
Can't wait for next update, enjoy the snow
Hi Jez,
Hope you are having a good time on holiday of course where are you?
Don't forget to send more post cards please I got your first one thankyou for that. Thank you for my star wars figures as well.I got a new pet on my birthday, her name s berby, she is a bearded dragon. bye Jez have a good time.
love from George ( typed verbatim by dad).
Have learnt that The Vatican City is not a member of UN neither is Taiwan (who used to be but were then replaced by the Peoples republic of China)but not found the 3rd - do let us know. Enjoying this interactive education!
ps still 1-1 in footie (soccer for you)
Awesome to be able to keep in touch like this. How far across the lawn at the White House do you think you could get before gettin taken out?
Keep it coming. Swift
Very enjoyable reading Jez - good to see you're putting the time to good use and not just sitting around watching repeated NBA matches and blowing off (which is what I would do.)
What club would you hit from White House fence to the place itself?
sitting in my office rain lashing down. guuuuuumph. Is it North korea?.
Looks like you're having a great time, me and the team are following avidly.Catch up soon
Matt x
ps sally it's not me making any comments. ( c u in a couple of weeks)
Are you trying to see how many random people you can find to take your picture!!! Great blog entry once again. I might start showing it to the kids at school as it will teach them more about world geography than i do! Look forward to the next update.
I have just had to get the volvo engine re built. £950.....I could have joined you on around the world trip for that money!!
Oh the rat race
Very nicely played everyone .. and nicely said ... the subject of your next GCSE should be architecture Mr Els - I'm in Chicago now and it's unreal - v amusing pal - and thanks for your thanks George - you're very welcome to the Star Wars figures and Happy Birthday again for last week - enjoy Berby - you're very brave and I just wished you'd called her Fernando-y - tell the garage to shove it Swifty and use the smackers to pay for the African leg (journey not limb) - top marks to Matt and Elsy for having a bash (oo-er!) - the correct triv answer to who's not a member of the UN was actually the Vatican City, the Cook Islands and Nuwee (spelling?!) off Australia - the last two because they don't think it's worth their % of GDP - and the first because of political issues (e.g. the UN working to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS) - the Vats does have spies (sorry, representatives) that sit on the UN's General Assembly - so no prozes this time but look out for another quiz in the near future - maybe down the right hand side bit! - hello Reggie B, the White House was a driver and an easy 8 iron away (slightly uphill and damp) or two of Gill's Sunday best - and they'd have stuck me in the clink before I could have even got out my anti-George Bush placard Swifty! - finally, Growie I'm warming up the old elbow patches for that job of yours my friend!
Good words.
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