Friday, November 30, 2007

And we're finally, almost, moving ...

Planning Day 59 - Friday 30 November 2007

Well, after what's seemed like a very long time of relaxing around Lichfield we're finally on the move. The sale of the APARTMENT is around the exchange of contracts moment and completion to follow soon. But check this out ...

Worryingly, my 'For Sale/Sold' board fell down the other week. I can only touch my Buddha on his little head and keep my fingers crossed that's not a last minute metaphor.

So packing boxes is happening as a regular night time activity (I know how to live!) and day times are spent buying up half of The North Face kit from my nearest stockist. Yep. It's official. TNF are the trip kit sponsors and I'm currently sat here typing in the snuggest, comfiest, most technically advanced pair of pants you could ever wish to wear. They have to be the Victoria's Secret option for male travellers. My Queensbury's have never felt so well looked after. I'd provide a picture of me in them here but I don't have a sock handy ...

Instead here's the packing box for my travel items that will transfer themselves into a rucksack and onto my back in the week before departure. Prizes for spotting a torch, first aid kit, toiletries bag, contact lenses, travel towel, inhaler, Sharpie pen (the pen manufacturer Dr Sharp) and my obligatory choice of Nike ACG trail shoes and sandals!

And even though my cupboard under the stairs is always tidy it's never been quite like this. For anyone moving soon England has an unbelievable supply of cardboard box companies ready to supply you with everything you need for a professional move. Minus the arse-showing blokes and their brute strength. But just hitch your jeans down a bit, forget some of your people skills, kiss the guns (hey Growbag?!) and get on with it yourself ...

And a final footnote. Today my Christmas cards have gone out to everyone (except the Lichfield Hockey Club legends who'll get theirs later). You have all my apologies for the cringe-worthy early sending but it's only 'cos I'm moving. If I were in charge Christmas would only run from 20/12 to 3/1/07)!!! They've all got my personal cards in them that may have directed you to this blog for the first time. If that's the case here's a few pointers from me. I've been blogging for a while now and wanted to populate everything here before I told everyone about it. You'll find all of the archived blogs by looking down the right hand side of this page (click on the arrows by 'My Blogs Are Archived Here'). Don't forget to vote about where you'd want to go (again, down the right hand side). And please, please add any comments to blog postings (all you have to do is click on the 'Comments' wording at the end of each post.) It's open to anyone so, as a final point, why not tell someone you know interested in travel to check this blog out ... especially if they're a travel editor?!

Warp out ... nicked that off you Vanster ... thanks for the loan!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

'That's not a tache ... this is a tache'

Planning Day 44 - Thursday 15 November 2007

Not quite the same meaning as the knife gag from Crocodile Dundee but none-the-less I've surprised myself. Should I ever become a double agent and need to grow a moustache in a hurry to get myself out of a tight spot. I can! Nice and bushy with good side-droopage. A top lip sleeping bag for a cold traveller. A Ferdinand Magellan inspired companion for the coming journey of discovery. It's all of the above.

Or at least was! Because the one thing this picture doesn't convey is how old it made me feel. So it's gone! Just like Marie-Antoinette it got the chop! For those brave enough to take on Ibiza 3 the Banksy Salver was a long time ago huh! (A Grange Hill phenomenon when the little 3rd Years (old skool!) grew taches, shaved them off and weighed their products. Genius!)

If this post is all sounding a little random I'll now explain why! I spent last night with my hair stood up on end, breathing very deeply and covered in sweat. It sounds like the start of a beautiful relationship. And it is. Only with a Japanese Encephalitis vaccination vial rather than Angelina Jolie. I thought my body had got used to all this stuff. But just when the finishing line's in sight (only 2 more jab appointments to go!) some bugger sticks their leg out and trips you up. If I get to the end of this post without puking or feeling frostier than ... err ... Frosty the Snowman ... it'll be a considerable achievement. These things are my current best friends ...

And I wish had more exciting news to post. But as you may have read before the house move is dragging on stupidly. I really need to have at least signed contracts before I spend thousands on plane tickets. In all truth I'm now a bit bored. I say that carefully because there's so much exciting stuff to come along. And I'm really fortunate to have these few months in life where I can kick back and relax. But I also have to kick myself up the backside every day to do something constructive towards travelling or the house sale so when the green light is pressed ... I'm ready to come out of the starting blocks flying.

At least these will keep me going and provide just a bit of bedtime reading ... I love libraries!